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The Science of Profiling: for Coaches and Human Resources Practitioners
Welcome to the Science of Profiling
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Module 1 - Defining Profiling and Personality
Defining Profiling
Defining Personality
Clarifying Terms
Heredity vs Environment
Gender, Ethnicity, and Age
Historical Views - Physiology
Analytical Psychology
Humanistic Psychology
Social Learning Theory
Psychometric Theory
Trait vs Type
Self Assessment Quiz
Module 2 - Understand how to Measure Personality
Methods of Assessing Personality
Bias, Sabotage & Distortion
Problems in Personality Assessment
State vs Trait anxiety
The Big Five Theory
Self Assessment Quiz
Module 3 - Interpret Basic Principles of Scaling and Explain the Differences between Classical and Item Test Theory
The Concept of Correlation
The Correlation Coefficient
Statistical Significance
Expectancy Tables
Personality Test Reliability
Sources of Error in Personality Testing
Standard Error of Measurement
Item Response Theory
Self Assessment Quiz
Module 4 - Interpret the Validity and Utility of Personality Measurements
Test Validity
Meta Analysis
Test Utility
Self Assessment Quiz
Module 5 - Interpret Personality Measurement Reports, Provide Feedback and Write a Personality Assessment Report
Live Coaching with Michele on how to Interpret Personality Measurement Reports
How to Provide Feedback
Personality Report Writing
Sample Report
Humanistic Psychology
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